Affordable Housing and Economic Development
Service-oriented solutions towards Homelessness, expanding on programs and collaborations with organizations like Housing First to house the homeless.
Ensure the protection of homeowners and tenants, so we can make a Santa Cruz that everyone can live in.
Ensuring that union jobs develop the City of Santa Cruz in housing and development.
Creating neighborhood councils so our neighbors can be involved in the local political process.
Partnerships with all organizations, including Mid-Pen Housing, in order to collaborate on low-income housing and development.
Supporting policies like Measure M so True Affordable Housing can be built for essential workers, teachers, veterans, nurses, students, and our community.
Transportation expansion in residencies near Affordable Housing neighborhoods through pedestrian and bike-friendly lanes.
Environmental Justice
Electrifying the city buildings of Santa Cruz
Path towards decarbonization
Development of Youth Focus Groups, where youth organizations, like the Youth 4 Climate Justice, can collaborate with the city on local political engagement centered on the conversation of climate change
Expediting the Climate Action Plan and ensuring that development projects are held accountable for CO2 emissions and greenhouse gas emissions
Clean and Safe Streets
Support and create local neighborhood accountability and safety groups that are community-oriented
Expansion on community clean-ups and improving Santa Cruz for all through community collaborations with organizations like Sanitation for the People
Expand sustainability in Energy through citywide composting projects